Posted by: theplaywright | November 9, 2008

Post election Euphoria…


I honestly never thought I’d live to see the day.

When Barack started running, I thought, ‘Hmm, seems like a good guy, health care platform seems naive, and white America will never elect a black person as president.’

Turns out I was wrong on the last one.

Even though I still have problems with his health care proposals, (or lack thereof) it’s a stunning event, and one that has reverberations in every aspect of society in America and here in Canada.

Really, if Americans can see a black person as president, then why not on our stages? Is there any reason not to explore diverse casting, and hire incredibly talented people in great positions?

In the future, there will come a day when actors of every colour will perform in my work. And I welcome it. I know I’ve had some actors say to me that time hasn’t arrived yet, and only black people should perform in Riot, but I welcome the day when that barrier is broken and there are no more racial barriers in any play in any theatre in this country.

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